New Hot Stamp Foil Design Catalog

New Foil Design Catalog

CPS Resources, Inc. continues to develop a fresh and innovative line of hot stamping foil designs. Our designs range from traditional to trendy and are in keeping with the design needs of the marketplace of today and tomorrow. This new CPS catalog is one of the most exciting to date. This catalog contains innovative designs that are divided into four categories:


Abstract designs represent a wide range of patterns and colors.


The woodgrain section offers a wide range woodgrain colors & patterns


Brushed films in various colors and is one of our most popular sellers


We carry a small selection of metallic colors in our foil library.

If you find a pattern you like but prefer in a different color or color, we can accommodate that request. Please call or send us a sample of what you’re looking for and we will try and match.

The foil designs are approximate renditions of the actual color and design interpretations. Please use our contact form or call us to request a foil sample or complete design catalog. Samples are available at no charge. 704-628-7678 

Newest Foils:



































